My friends, the universe may be vast, but it can also be a wonderfully interconnective place .Nobody can alter your God given destiny. What God has spoken concerning your life, must surely manifest to his glory. No matter how long it takes, no matter what the powers that “be.” do to you and your destiny.
Folks, what God has ordained for your life will come to pass like the “WHIRLWIND”. That is where people will begin to question whether or not it is you they are seeing.
My friends, the last time I had an encounter with God and I think I have to share it with you. No matter what your religious inclinations are, you know something about Governor Joseph and his brothers. You have heard of his dreams and how he was envied by his own blood brothers. How he was subjected to ridicule and frustrations, how they had wanted to kill him, just because they wanted to alter his destiny.
Eventually they succeeded in selling him into slavery, thinking they had gotten a “touch-down” in their bid to change their brother’s destiny. God, who knew what he had in store for Sir Joseph, lifted him from DISGRACE unto GRACE. Even in slavery, God’s spoken word concerning Joseph’s life manifested. He became a governor and the first minister of food and agriculture in Egypt.
Through this, his brothers, his parents and the entire descendants of father Abraham at the time were saved from hunger and starvation. This fulfilled a long awaited spoken word on the destiny of Joseph. You might be facing similar situation or going through a lot of difficulties, talebearers are frustrating you, they are saying all sort of things about you to your bosses .You have lost your bearings in life, your job is lost, your position and all the goodies that life represents are gone. To you, there is no light at the end of the tunnel. You have tried everything humanly possible just to make things happen .Yet there seem to be no end in sight. Nothing seems to be working for you. Whatever you hold seems to be falling apart. You are being swallowed by debts and all sort of financial storms. Are you about to give up? Have you given up? Are you planning to commit suicide and saying that life is not fair? Or are you saying that God is not fair? Folks, God’s plans for you are so special and spectacular, as even your enemies think they are sending you into bondage and trying to ex-communicate you from society, God is preparing a very great throne for you. He is making a way where there seem to be no way for you. You will definitely be counting your blessings and naming them one by one.
Do not give up! Your miracle is just on the way. If God in his infinite mercy and grace, can forgive me, and deliver me from my enemies, to fulfill my destiny. Then he can do likewise for you. My God whom I serve shall supply you all your needs according to his riches in glory.
Cast your cares and burden unto him who is able, his name is JESUS. He is always at hand to give you rest .Remember that what is written is written. Your detractors will always try to derail you, but always let God arise and his enemies will be scattered! AMEN
You are blessed .God will make you more honorable he will make you so great.
Source: Ekow Shalders (I.D.P.F USA)
January 22, 2011